Tuesday, 17 July 2012

I'm leaving on a jet plane

After many hours of packing, unpacking, and repacking (and a few last minute crises), I am finally ready to go.

But what does leaving entail?  The answer is: approximately 32 hours of traveling.  From the time I leave my house on the morning of July 17 to the time I land in Sydney on the morning of July 19 (yes there is a day missing there that will never exist!), I will spend a total of 21 hours on planes and 10 1/2 hours sitting around in airports.  The flight from LA to Sydney itself will take about 15 hours.  It will be a very long couple of days.

However, I am traveling on a group flight so I will be flying with my friend that is going to school with me as well as other students on the program.  It will be cool to meet other people before we actually get to Australia.

It still has not really hit me that I am leaving in less than 24 hours.  I've been waiting for it to sink in all day and it still has not.  It will probably hit me tomorrow at the Pittsburgh airport.

Once I get to Australia, I don't know what the internet will be like.  I'll try to update once I'm there but I'm not sure when I'll get a chance.

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